29th September 2024

Search Barwell Parish Council

Barwell Parish Council Serving the people of Barwell

Displaying 1 to 30 of 309

Full Council Agenda

Committees Terms of Reference

Planning & Highways Committee

Full Council Agenda

Planning & Highways Committee

Planning & Highways Committee

If you would like to attend this meeting which is held remotely please contact The Clerk on infor@barwell-pc.org.uk

Planning & Highways Agenda

All members of the public and media welcome to attend

Please note all mobile phones should be switched off to turned to silent during this meeting

All public and media welcome to attend

Please note mobile phones should be switched off during this meeting

Minutes of Planning & Highways Committee

Minutes of Planning & Highways Committee

Agenda for Planning & Highways

All public and media welcome to attend

Minutes of Full Council

Minutes of Planning & Highways

All public and media welcome to attend

Please ensure all mobile phones are switched to silent or off during this meeting

Minutes of Planning & highways Committee

All media and public welcome to attend

Planning Minutes 8th July 2019

Planning & Highways Committee

All public and media welcome to attend

Please note all mobile phones should be switch off or turned to silent during this meeting

Minutes of Planning & Highways Committee

All media & public welcome to attend

Please note mobile phones should be switched off during this meeting or turned to silent

Agenda 24062019

Wed, 19 Jun 2019
