29th September 2024

Search Barwell Parish Council

Barwell Parish Council Serving the people of Barwell

Who we are & what we do

Barwell Parish Council is made up of 12 unpaid members who are voted in by the electors of Barwell every four years. They are supported by a full-time employed clerk and a part time assistant clerk, a part time cleaner, 2 full time grounds staff, 1 part time premises officer and 1 part time public toilets cleaner. The full Council usually meets once a month. The Council has Committees which divide up the work of the Council. Committee's usually meet once a month apart from the Planning and Highways Committee which meets every two to three weeks and the Staffing and Events committees which meet on an ad hoc basis

All meetings are open to the press and public. The full Council meeting and most Committee meetings have a section to allow members of the public to speak at these meetings. The Parish Council's work falls under the following areas:


The Parish Council is consulted on all planning applications in the Parish by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council. The Parish Council's recommendations are passed on to the Borough Council who then makes the final decision. This also applies to Tree Preservation Orders.

We are provided with notices of all planning decisions made and all appeals.

We are consulted by Leicestershire County Council and Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council about planning policies.


The Parish Council reports all problems with the roads from potholes to poor surfacing, traffic calming and road signs to Highways who then usually deal with them.

We are consulted on changes to public footpaths and report any problems to the relevant authority.


The Parish Council owns various pieces of land used for recreational use – The Common off Dovecote Way which is used by football clubs and contains a small children's play area, Barwell Park off Stapleton Lane which contains a small children's play area, Kirkby Road Rec and Radford Park both contain children's play areas. We are responsible for the grass cutting and maintenance of these sites. We are not responsible for the verge areas in the village. We have two full time grounds maintenance operatives to maintain the parks and open space up to a high standard

Community & Environment

Barwell Parish Council liaises with the local police and community warden about community needs.

We have representatives on different committees within the village to ensure good communication.

The Parish Council displays information about the community and upcoming meetings on its notice boards on the High Street, Shilton Road, Wenesleydale Avenue and Kirkby Road.

We have good connections with many of the local groups and make grants to some of these.

These lists are not exhaustive. For further information on the work of the Parish Council contact the Clerk or come into the office (open most mornings, but please check). You are also welcome to attend any of the Parish Council's meetings.


Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.

Barwell Parish Council Standing Orders

Our Staff

We have a team of staff that work together to deliver the range of services we provide. They can be contacted through our office by phone or email.

Parish Clerk

Parish Clerk

Clerk to the Council

01455 844229
Parish Council Staff





Denise Deighton



01455 844229

Sue Williams

Deputy Clerk


01455 844229

Kevin Szymkowiak




Andrew Statham




Steve Astill

Groundsman/Premises Officer


Gail Vesty



Julie Elverstone



Last updated: Mon, 13 May 2024 10:42